Muriel Cooper self-portrait with Polaroid SX-70, video imaged and printed at the Visible Language Workshop, 1977
Dexter Sinister (after Muriel Cooper), 2008, stencil print, 29 x 39.5 cm

We enter more than one room containing stacks of outdated hardware, too difficult to repair, and rotting magnetic-tape formats whose chemical clocks are ticking. I am, of course, struck by the ways in which this recent past becomes so quickly inaccessible in a digital medium. In stark contrast to the piles of posters which provide a visceral record of the Center for Advanced Visual Studies, these dead media provide nothing tangible. As much of Muriel Cooper’s most important work was in a digital medium, I become more convinced that accounting for her work is crucial — now.
–“This Stands as a Sketch for the Future,” David Reinfurt, Dot Dot Dot #15, 2008
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